Discoveries about Cannabidiol, CBD
CBD or cannabidiol is one of the chemical substances, also called phytocannabinoids, produced by the plant Hemp sp. CBD is one of the most interesting and full of healing properties. In many countries it is already very common and widely used, but in Brazil it has only been known in the last few years.
Hemp has a long history, but only in the last decade has CBD oil, extracted from this plant, grown in popularity. In some countries it is considered a dietary supplement aimed at promoting the body’s general well-being. In others, as in the Brazilian case, it is considered a medicine. CBD is an all-natural phytocannabinoid with active properties on one of our body’s major autoregulatory systems, the Endocannabinoid System.
Fact 1 – With so much misinformation in the media about CBD, those who think it only comes from one type of hemp plant are mistaken. It is found in variations of Hemp plants, and is extracted from both the stem, flowers, leaves, and seeds. Whether hemp, what changes is the concentration of this phytocannabinoid.
Although hemp like hemp can serve as sources of the phytocannabinoid, hemp is known to have a naturally lower CBD content than THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the compound known for its “psychoactive” properties (those that generate the famous “cheap”). In hemp, CBD is predominant.
Why is cannabidiol so important? The naturally higher levels of CBD in hemp make it an ideal source for cannabidiol-rich products. Hemp also grows much faster than hemp, allowing for a more sustainable and efficient growing environment.
Fact 2 – CBD attracts much of the attention due to its numerous natural benefits, yet it is considered only one of more than 120 cannabinoids discovered.
THC and CBD are the most prominent of the many cannabinoids found in hemp. In addition to these two well-known compounds, there are dozens and dozens at lower levels of concentration. Like CBD, these cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system causing a balance of bodily functions such as sleep, metabolism, mood, analgesia, behaviors, and others.
Although researchers have identified many cannabinoids, their efforts are primarily focused on studying and understanding how CBD and THC influence systems in the body. Many studies have explored the effects and benefits of cannabidiol to further explore the potential use of the oil extracted from hemp.
Fact 3 – The concentration of cannabidiol in hemp varies depending on the strain of the plant. In addition, different strains differ in their CBD content and also in their cannabinoid composition.
As a result of cross-breeding between strains, hemp growers are able to cultivate plants with very high CBD levels. To give you an idea, when the experts at our parent company, Medical hemp Inc., were searching for the ideal strain to produce our medical hemp products, they tested more than 3,000 strains until they found the one with the ideal level for the required production.

Fact 4 – Many claim that CBD is not psychoactive. Before you agree or disagree with the statement, let’s understand what the word “psychoactive” means.
Psychoactive substances are chemicals that act on the central nervous system of those who consume them and cause alterations in brain function, temporarily interfering with an individual’s mood, consciousness, behavior, and perception. However, CBD is a non-intoxicating psychoactive, non-hallucinogenic, and has no serious side effects. These reasons more than justify its use for any and all people, whether children, adults, or the elderly.
While it is correct to say that CBD is not “cheap”, it is incorrect to describe it as non-psychoactive. The term “non-psychoactive” means that a substance does not affect the mind, which is not an accurate description for CBD.
In fact, CBD influences one of the body’s main native regulatory networks, the endocannabinoid system. CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid system to release neurotransmitters in the brain and other organs, which encourages balance (body homeostasis)
This is probably among the most important facts to go over in this article: although CBD is not intoxicating and does not cause impairment, it is psychoactive.
Fact 5 – No matter what the source, CBD is CBD. Some people who make use of cannabinoids mistakenly think that the CBD in hemp is somehow more potent than the CBD derived from hemp. On a molecular level, the CBD in hemp is the same as the CBD in hemp.
To learn more, please visit Natural health woman for further information.